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Mental Illness Stigmas in Chinese Societies
Addressing mental health stigma in the Asian-American community
Changing the Perspective of Mental Illness in Asian Culture | Timothy Xu | TEDxGeorgiaTechSalon
China's mentally ill yearn to step out of the shadows | AFP
A Brief But Spectacular take on Asian American mental health
Natasha Jung: Navigating Asian Culture, Stigma and Mental Health
Shifting attitudes around mental health in China | China Tonight | ABC News
"The American Dream, Immigration and Mental Health and Stigma in the AAPI Community"
Dr. Xi Chen on mental health in China
The Stigma of Mental Illness in Asia | Jiwoo Kim & Thu Nga Nguyen | TEDxYouth@HanoiIntlSchool
Stigma attached to Mental Illness in the Chinese Community
Jack Chen discusses mental health issues in China